Love Quotes
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You don't know what you do to me, You don't have a clue... You don't know what it's like to be me lookin at you..

You can sleep in your own bed tonight, sleep away, a silent pain, screaming out my name, you can sleep in your own bed
tonight, i hope for your sake, that you dont wake up, as   b r o k e n   as i am

The first time I saw you I knew it was true...That I'd love you forever, and thats what I'll do..

And I'm nothing more than a line in your book...

Just when I thought I had finally got you out of my mind...You step back into my life at the worst possible time...

And there you are, holding her hand, and i'm lost...trying to understand...

You told me not to talk to you so I told myself not to cry, but not talking to you for days just makes me wanna die...

I looked at you a thousand times but this time when I looked at you there was something new, how could I be so blind?

If I'd had known that it was going to be the last song we'd dance to, I'd asked the band to play on and on and on...

The love you can't have, last the longest, feels the strongest and hurts the most...

I've been trying not to love you; I've been putting up a fight. I've been barely holding on and letting go with all my

There's a part of me that’s empty, I know only love can fill. I'm afraid I'll never find it, and scared to death I will.

I'd rather bleed with cuts of love then live without any scars

All the people I love in the river of blood

 I miss you so much you don't even know,
everytime i think of you, the tears in my eyes overflows.

I love u so much i would die. U love me so little all i do is cry

Maybe when you
find out that i'm dead,
you'll realize
what you did to me...

My dreams are your nightmares

Do you even know what you do to me?

I leave the water running so you can't hear me cry....

I think its wierd when I luv u, I think it's wierd when I care, I think its wierd when I want u, when u dont even kno Im there...

I'll risk everything I got, I'll fight till I bleed, I'd give my life, if that's what you need

You were my favorite mistake...

How can I get over you.. when your all I ever think about

Love is a game that I always loose

When you finally find the perfect guy you think to yourself, why isn't he taken?

Its not my fault i fell for ___________, he tripped me!

It was jus a simple crush, done and over with, and then you smiled at me...

When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew...

She makes you fall head over heels and I can't even make you stumble

Sometimes you say the smallest thing, or smile, and it makes my entire day better.

If I were a shooting star I'd make all your wishes come true...
But I'm not... I'm just a girl in love with you.

Stop thinking about yourself,and stop being such an ass, I just wanted you to like me, but maybe thats to much to ask!

Life just isn't the same without you by my side, feels just like suicide, baby love you more than you'll ever no, its been so
hard trying to let you go...

the hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else

No one ever warns you about falling in love...

one day ur prince will come, mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is to stubborn to ask for directions

who in the world do u run to when the only person that can stop you're tears is the one who made you cry

Sometimes I wonder what you think of me...Or if you even do at all...

I need...I want...I'd die to be... His love...His love...His everything

Why do I have to climb 100 mountains to get you,when all you have to do is smile to get me?

All I want is for him to say...Yeah she's my girl...

I love when you look at me...cause I know for a second I crossed your mind

I have 200 sheets of paper in front of me- and I still don't have enough room to tell you how much I love you...

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling but I dont know where to start
I wanna tell you but I'm afraid youll break my heart.

Then as it was, then again it will be, and though the course will change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea

Pull myself back together just to fall once more

Running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fear.. wish you were here...

I can't even count the times I have sat up at night wondering if you're wondering about me too.

The last thing I need is another broken heart...

She'll say you're fine
Whisper words I wish were mine

I just want to smile and know I'm not faking it...

Get a knife, Pierce your heart. If love has to end why bother start? Why say goodbye when no one cares? You still think I "fell" down the stairs?

All that we are is gone...We still have to hold on...

hy do things have to be so complicated? Distances so far,hearts so unloving?

I wanna be your fantasy, and be your reality, and everything between

I should pin my heart to my back so when I walk away, you can watch it break...

You don't die from a broken heart, you only wish you did

I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. But, I can't because I know you won't come after me, and I guess that's what hurts the most...

Look into my eyes for one moment and then you will realize just how much you mean to me

I hate it when you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me
laugh or worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you aren't around, and the fact you
didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you. Not a little bit... not even at all.

Open your eyes and look outside, find a reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind

I dont want to fall back in love with you because it always makes me cry...

love hurts when the only one u love is in love with someone else

You were everyhting to me, and I lost you...I lost everything

There has been alot of things you have done to hurt me, but the thing that hurt me the most was when you asked her to our song...

If I know what love is...It's because of you...

What do you say
to make him see
that everyday
he's all you need?

You took my heart and a hammer, aimed and... BULLSEYE!

Shut my windows and lock my doors... cause my heart won't be your ragdoll no more...

I just stood there and watched you...slip away

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes you just can't see, the pain someone feels...

I would tell you the truth, but it would make you cry...

boys are like razor blades...they cut real deep...

It's not like I wanted to be the one holding your hand, I  just didn't want her holding it...

When you told me you loved me, did you know it would take me the rest of my life, to get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right

One day we'll wave hello and wish we'd never waved goodbye

I didn't mean to hurt you, but your sexy when you cry...Maybe I really loved you, HAHA arent I cute when I lie?

We came together underneath the stars above...What started out as liking soon turned into love. I sensed a certain something that in my heart fel true. I knew I waited all my life to fall in love with you.

And all i know is that you're cute when you scream...

If this is just a crush then I don't know if i could take the real thing..

My heart is already broken...

This kind of thing only  happens in my dreams...

The love you can't have lasts the longest, feels the strongest, and hurts the most...

You could squeeze me to death...but I will never be close enough to you...

Quotes and Poem Link

I'll bleed until it's over...I'll bleed until you care...I'll bleed until you remember my name...When you do I wont still be there...