Other Awesome Websites
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OK, so these are just some friend's websites and stuff, they are really great :) love ya all!


Ebaums World!




Poems and Quotes


Barbie :P


My other Site

You can find Poems, Quotes, Answering Machine things, Pictures and more here!

Heathers Website

On Heather's website you can find Poems, Picture, quotes, etc!

Sam Mason's Website

On sam's site, you can find just about everything, depressing shit mostly :P honestly, most of it is like sad suicidal shit

Kelsey's Sutton's Website

On Kelsey's website, there is like Hot Guys, Lyrics, Bands, Links, her idols... and lots more!

Michelle Baranyk's Website

On Michelle's site there is her favorite Quotes, friends, pictures, and more!

Britt's Website

Britt's website is just like an online Journal

Laura's Website

Laura's website is just like her friends (pictures of them) and like junk about her life :) Laura is from england!

Brooke's Website

I don't remember what was on Brooke's website, but I am shure it is awesome!!!


These sites are all awesome, love ya all!!!