Pretty Nothing
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Welcome To My Home Page

OK, so this is probably my 4th or 5th web site but this I am going to try to make my number 1 because it is going to be about poems and quotes and such! yeah well have fun and engoy my site ;)  OH and my name is Carrie..

A bit about myself...

ok so i am about 5 feet, I like basketball, msn (if you have msn you can add me if you want) umm I like to hang out with my friends, listen to music,  well yea umm I really like poems, and quotes i dont like the friendship quotes and shit like that, I just like sad quotes, love quotes, death quotes, suicide quotes, etc... yes I will probably add more later..

This is me before I died my hair...I am sooo ugly!!!

OK, well I can't really add alot of stuff because you have to have your website on for a certain amount of time before you can add alot of junk on it, yeah

Friends... I am going to list as many as I can if I miss someone then tell me...

Michelle, Cassandra, Meghan, Heather, Kelsey, Amber, Alex, Nicole, Brittany, Jessica, Christine, Paul, Sam, Natalie, Matthew, Jeannine, CurtisSteph, Zack, Dana, Braden, Candice, Gemma, Casey, Savannah, Sam, Michelle, Alana, Laura, Jenna, Brooke, Britt...that is all I can think of at the momentum

My email


This is also me lmao!


my email addy