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I will update more it's just my computer was being slow and yeah!


Alone.Forgotten.Crying.Tears.Heartbroken.Depression.Blood.Cutting.Why.Questions.No one Answers.Goodbye!

A girl who is too sad to give a fuck...

And slowly it all fades to gray


Don't forget me...I love you

Everything I know about breaking hearts I learned from you...

For kids who can't afford heroin :P

Here I don't need it anymore

Here's my heart i'll let you break it

Fuck you for making me cry again...

Here I go, scream my lungs out just for you!

I hurt myself so you can't

Hate me know so I can move on...

Happily every after...Failed

So sick of being lonely, I wanna know what it feels like to be loved

Your first love never really dies

No place to go...No place to go to dry her eyes, broken inside

If only he knew

And all I know is that youre cute when you scream

The closest thing from perfect but the farthest thing from me

I've got a crush on you

He can punk me :P

I know you don't beleive you mean this much to me, but i promise you that you do

So much pain behind these eyes

I am worthless. I hate myself. I hate my life. There is no reason to live...

You are my only one

I can't let him know these tears are from him

I wanna be the girl you point to and say, "That's her"

You asked what was wrong, i smiled and said nothing, then i turned around and whispered everyhting

The truth is you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath i would appoligize for bleeding on your shirt